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About the Shul Boys Riding Club
WHY JOIN?While our members have a wide range of reasons to become a Shul Boy, the primary one is to have fun riding with people of similar interests and backgrounds. Members develop a social network of other Jewish riders both male and female, who ride at different levels on all brands of bikes. We sponser group activities of special interest to Jewish riders, while also engaging in general interest activities like Ohio Bike Week, Fuel Cleveland, or Thinder on the Strip The shul Boys participate in Meet & Greets sponsered by other JMA member clubs as well as Shul Boys only rides. We meet every Tuesday for a short ride and dinner during the riding season.
IN WHAT ACTIVITIES DO SHUL BOYS PARTICIATE?We are an active club with more than 65 members. We try to offer activites that meet the varied wants and needs of all of our members. These Include: Rider Safety Training Member gatherings Track Days Meet & Greets The JMA sponsered annual R2R Charity work, Holiday events/parties, Weekly rides, Special event rides More Importantly we are very active in supporting Holocaust Rememberence activities and in fighting anti-semitism.
HOW OFTEN DO WE MEET?We meet every Tuesday night for a dinner ride. Leaving a designated location at a certain fixed time, the final destination may be decided just prior to leaving depending on group size and weather. We typically schedule longer weekend rides for those interested. All rides are always planned to be casual and SAFE. During the off season we meet every 3rd Tuesday of every month for dinner. We meet on weekends during the riding season for all day and sometimes overnight rides for those interested. Once per year, JMA organizes a 3 day event called the Ride to Remember (R2R). This is the focal point of the JMA and is held at a different location within the United States each year. Interested Shul Boys members ride together to the R2R. The focus of the R2R is to remember the Holocaust and network with other clubs in a JMA club host city. Ian Abrams – Shul Boys founder Ian Abrams participated in the inaugural ride to Washington DC, from Miami, Florida, seven years ago as well as two other R2Rs. Each 4 day R2R event includes guided rides, speakers, lunches and dinners. Hundreds of JMA riders from all over the country and around the world attend the event.
WHAT CAN I LEARN?From each we can learn points of interest, riding techniques, motorcycle maintenance and safe riding skills
WHAT BRAND OF MOTORCYCLE IS ACCEPTABLE?Any brand or type of motorcycle is acceptable so long as your bike and riding skills will allow you keep up with the group. Lightweight scooters for example may not be practical.
WHAT IS THE RIDING STYLE?We have a wide variety of riders and riding styles. Some are long distance touring, others are day riders, yet others are racers. We welcome all as long as you ride safely and respectfully of others and can or are willing to learn to ride safely and respectfully in group rides.
ARE GUESTS AND/OR NON-JEWISH GUESTS WELCOME?Yes. Anyone who wants to ride with us and who supports Jewish heritage and culture is welcome. We encourage our members to bring their friends as guests.
WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING?All Members must be able to legally ride a motorcycle and have at least the State minimum insurance. Guest must meet these requirements and have a signed Waiver of Liability (available on our website to download).
WHAT AGES AND SEX OF OPERATORS IS ACCEPTED?We request that riders be over 21 but we encourage both male and female riders to join.
IS A MOTORCYCLE ENDORSEMENT REQUIRED?Absolutely! As is at least State mininmum insurnace.
ARE PASSENGERS ACCEPTED?Passengers are encouraged, the more, the merrier!
ARE MEMBERS WORK BACKGROUNDS VARIED?Very much so! We are a well-rounded group including businessmen, professionals, academia, retirees, manufacturers, tradesmen, students, and others. The Shul Boys welcomes people of all backgrounds.
WHAT ABOUT CHARITY WORK?The Shul Boys is active in supporting the local Jewish community and the Greater Cleveland Communityy. We work with the Cleveland Jewish Federation, the Maltz Museum, and Kol mention a few.
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